Experience changing exhibitions on cultural-historical topics and new art
Østfyn Museums and Kerteminde Art Association take turns showing exhibitions in the old customs booth in Kerteminde. Østfyn's Museums show, among other things, exhibitions on local history topics.
The cultural history of the Kertemin area
The customs house is one of the oldest buildings in Kerteminde. It was built by the Odense merchant Niels Bager around 1590, when Kerteminde functioned as a harbor for Odense.
The history of the customs booth
The customs house is one of the oldest buildings in Kerteminde. It was built by the Odense merchant Niels Bager around the year 1590, when Kerteminde functioned as a harbor for Odense. In 1659, during the Swedish War, the Swedes used the building as their headquarters, and when the Danish-Dutch fleet had to recapture the city, the building was razed to the ground and first rebuilt. in 1735, as the year on the facade indicates. Until 1800, it was the only earthen, secular building in Kerteminde.
From 1848 to 1970, the building contained the function that has given it its current name, namely Toldboden.
The customs house is today used as an exhibition building for Østfyn's Museums and Kerteminde Art Association.
Practical information:
Opening hours: Wednesday-Sunday at 13-17
Free entry for all
Access to Toldboden's exhibitions is via a short staircase, and to get to the exhibition halls on the first floor you have to continue up a staircase. Unfortunately, there is no elevator. We are of course ready to lend a helping hand if needed.
For more info:
Exhibitions with East Fyn's Museums: https://ostfynsmuseer.dk/toldboden/
Exhibitions with Kerteminde Kunstforening: https://toldboden-kunst.dk/