Sandstone tablet
The sandstone plaque at Langegade 6 is a reference to a neighborly dispute that took place in the 18th century.
At the back of Langegade 6 is a sandstone tablet from the 18th century. In the two upper corners it bears the years 1630 and 1910.
The board is a relic from a neighbor dispute
The board shows the property that was previously located on the plot, which was owned by mayor and town clerk Peter Chr. Schötz. The board was an entry in a neighborhood dispute between Schøtz and his neighbor councilor Andreas Høyer. Høyer had spread a lot of gossip about Councilor Schøtz and about his relationship with the Hoppensach couple.
Høyer was summoned by Schøtz, who accused his neighbor of having abducted some cattle from a paddock on the magistrate's grazing area at Gedskovvej, north of the city. Høyer responded by complaining about Schøtz and used, among other things, the starting point that he himself was a poor man who was persecuted by the rich Schøtz.
The dispute lasted for several years, even though the district magistrate tried to mediate. The case ended with a kind of victory for Schøtz, who put an end to the sandstone tablet.