Fishing guide
Hire a professional fishing guide
Why hire a guide?
Having a guide attached will increase your chances of finding fish. Having said that, there is no guarantee, as we are playing with nature, but Thomas can give you the best conditions for finding the fish. It is then your task to land it.
Thomas can:
Locate new fishing grounds
Know all existing fishing grounds
Has knowledge about choosing bait for the season in question
Has updated tide tables
Has knowledge about fly fishing, Spin & bombarda
Knows places that work in all kinds of wind and weather and for the needs of the individual
Knows the latest catch reports
Thomas Matzen has over 25 years of experience with fishing in Denmark and abroad. Among other things, he has lived in the Faroe Islands where fishing was explored and in Sweden where his passion for fishing has many fish on his conscience. Thomas is a multi-fisherman from the coast, so whether you fish spin, bombarda or fly rod, he is on the beat. Thomas speaks German, English, Swedish and understands Norwegian & Faroese.